•  Transform yourself 

    Transform your life. Break through your barriers. Achieve lasting change.

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    Ivelina's Story

    Unlike many others, my journey to become a clinical hypnotherapist was over many years, supported by years of experience in holistic healing and combined with some unique experiences throughout my life. I have discovered that I am able to understand my clients more deeply, to create a truly human-centered approach that allows us to focus on what you want! During my life, I have lived in 4 countries, worked in business both big and small - most importantly gaining experience of many people, cultures and perspectives. 

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    Now is your time!

    Prior to hypnotherapy, I learned that my client's own mindset and subconscious thoughts are usually the strongest catalysts for change. I love what I do, the fact that I can use hypnotherapy, to help my clients transform themselves - whether it's something small or a big ambition, I can't wait to learn more about you and work together to achieve your goals.



    Why Hypnotherapy is for you?


    Forget what you know about hypnosis or hypnotherapy from movies and popular media. You are in control completely, we cannot harm you and the beautiful thing is that we simply work together to uncover issues. We will be setting realistic goals and achieving them. Hypnotherapy works on the conscious and subconscious mind, to unlock what you can't perceive as possible - dream big about the person you are going to become!

  • Book Your Free Consultation Today

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  • Our Services

    Learn more about what we can do together to reach your goals.

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    You 2.0

    Create the person you truly want to become

    Start today and create a map toward a better you! Dream big and then use your mind to achieve those dreams. We create connections in your mind to enable the best of you. That means your career, your health or your relationships can become what you want them to. Book a free consultation today and find out more!

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    Replace your bad habits with greatness.

    We all have vices that get in our way, now is your chance to remove some...

    Perhaps you have a bad diet, drink too much, spend too much time scrolling or watching TV? If you'd like to change, we are here to help. Dedicate some time that's just for you, understanding the habits you have and your desire to change. When we have a clear picture together, we can use the power of your subconscious to re-wire how you think about these habits, so you can move forward stronger. Book a free consultation today to find out more.

  • Book a package today

    Check out some ready-made packages to make some progress for a fixed fee.

    Reduce Anxiety & Stress

    Reduce Anxiety & Stress

    Using our unique strategies and techniques, we will work together to help your feelings of stress and anxiety to become a distant memory. During 4 sessions (scheduled to fit around you), we will build an understanding of what's held you back until now and remove these barriers using hypnosis.

    This special, discounted package of Hypnotherapy is designed for us to work together on improving how you feel, so you can go forward with confidence & enthusiasm.
    Coming soon
    Smoking Cessation

    Smoking Cessation

    With these 2 sessions, we can free you from nicotine! Once you have decided to take control of your health, use our proven formula to help you quit for good.
    Coming soon
    Improve Productivity, Resilience and Positive Thinking

    Improve Productivity, Resilience and Positive Thinking

    Worn out from hours of remote working? Not sure what direction to take in your life or just not feeling confident about your future? Become the person you want to be. This package of 4 hypnotherapy sessions to transform your outlook.
    Coming soon
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    Norwich, Norfolk, UK
    Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm GMT
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